Everything we've been learning about this week leads to one thing--TRANSFORMATION!
What is transformation?
I'll tell you what it's not.
It is not "10 Tips to a Better Life".
It is not a renovation project either.
No. It's becoming something radically new.
Don't get me wrong. It's still you. And even more so than ever. Because transformation is about becoming what you were always destined to be.
A caterpillar prays on a certain level.
He might be frustrated with how his life is going so he begins to pray for his circumstances to change.
He doesn't realize that the circumstances aren't going to change. HE'S GOING TO CHANGE. In ways he could never imagine!
You see, life is different when you're a butterfly. Feeling stuck is no longer an issue.
You have wings!
How often do we pray for our circumstances to change--
God, I need more money...
God, please fix my marriage..
God, heal my body....
Not realizing that what God really wants for us is a complete transformation!
Mark your calendar for 30 days. How do you want your life to look at the end of 30 days? Write it down.
God is ready to do a metamorphosis of you!